SAP Tips: A quick way to view customising changes for all customising tables.
SAP Tips: A quick way to view customising changes
Change history can be pretty unwieldy and difficult to get details. When dealing with change history of customising changes in the IMG, SAP provides good functionality in the IMG screens to see this.
There is, however, a centralised way of viewing change history for all customising tables.
Run report RSVTPROT or use transaction SCU3.
Select the view for the customising table for which you want to see the change history, add the selection dates, check the “Customizing Objects” button and select your output options. I would recommend using an ALV Grid Display for ease of use.
I hope you find this useful! Stay tuned for another SAP Tip from Eursap soon!.
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Author: Jon Simmonds, Senior IT Architect
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