SAP Tips: Keyboard shortcuts in SAP Fiori
SAP Tips: Keyboard shortcuts in SAP Fiori
SAP Fiori is a modern user interface and as such, caters for accessibility requirements of users. One such accessibility requirement is to be able to use the keyboard rather than the mouse. This is for users who regularly input large amounts of data into SAP at speed and therefore need to be as efficient as possible.
Below is a list of keyboard shortcuts you can use when using Fiori, but first let’s go over a few of them in detail.
Focus Area
In the Fiori screen, the “Focus” area is shown as a faint dotted line around an option – in my example, the dotted lines are around the first tile in my Recently Added Apps section as below:
This “focus area” means that by pressing enter I can mimic clicking on that tile. You can also navigate around and change the focus area by using the tab key on your keyboard, or shift+tab to go backwards into different sections.
To navigate the focus area between tiles within a section, simply use the left and right arrow keys.
You can also use F6 to toggle your focus area between the shell bar, the spaces and the sections.
Shortcuts on the home page
There are various keyboard shortcuts you can execute to move around the Fiori homepage.
Using shift+ctrl+F will take you directly to the search field, whereas Alt+F will take your focus area to the search icon next to the search input field.
Pressing Alt+N will navigate directly to your notifications:
Pressing Alt+A will automatically navigate the focus area to the App Finder option, where you can simply press enter to open the option.
Similarly, Alt+H will navigate directly to the home page icon:
Alt+S will move the focus area to the Settings menu, whereas ctrl+, will directly open the Settings menu.
Navigating within an app
When you are within a Fiori app itself, you can use F6 again to navigate around in the same way.
A useful shortcut is shift+ctrl+S, which will open the “Share” menu option:
Embedded tables within apps
However, if you Fiori app contains an embedded table, you may want to select various options in this table. F6 will take you to the table entries and enter will click on that entry, but you can select a row in the table by pressing the space bar. Multiple entries can be selected by using shift+up or shift+down, or ctrl+up or ctrl+down.
While your focus area is in the embedded table, you can use ctrl+comma to open the table settings menu:
In the table settings menu, the same navigation options apply – F6, tabs etc.
A Fiori keyboard shortcuts cheat-sheet
Use the below cheat sheet as a reminder for the keyboard shortcuts which are available in SAP Fiori:
Ctrl + F1 – Shows keyboard shortcuts
Tab – Move through screen options
Shift + tab – Move backwards through screen option
F6 – Toggle between different screen sections
Shift + F6 – Toggle backwards between different screen options
Alt + A – Open App Finder from user menu
Alt + S – Open Settings from user menu, or Ctrl + comma to go directly there
Alt + H – Change focus to Home page then press enter to go to Home
F4 – Use input function
F1 – Screen help
Ctrl + shift + F – Go directly to the SAP Fiori search field
Alt + down arrow – Move through dropdown menu in apps
Page up/page down – Change month in calendar windows
Shift + page up/page down – Change year in calendar windows
F2 – In table results, switch between entire line selection to individual cell selection
Space – In table results when using individual cell selection, select field
Space – In table results when using entire line selection, select row
Shift + up arrow/down arrow – Select multiple grouped rows by using space
Ctrl + up/down arrow – Select multiple individual rows by using space
Escape – Exit from popup
CTRL+comma – Whilst in table results, selects table controls
Shift+ctrl+E – In table results, goes to export menu
I hope you find this useful. Stay tuned for another SAP Tip from Eursap next month.
Be sure to also check out Eursap’s SAP Blog for more in depth articles.
Author: Jon Simmonds, ERP Leader